We started early this morning with serious packing of our response trailers with chain saws, generators and everything you'd need for an evacuation and a hurricane aftermath. Our team met at 9am this morning for prayer and spent about an hour and a half finalizing our logistics. We expect to send an advance team to Grace Community Church in Pensacola later this afternoon, and then the bulk of the team will head there Sunday afternoon.
We believe that there is a mission field that follows every crisis. Pray for the harvest. pray for workers. pray that we would be the eye of the storm, a place of calm and peace for those around us who are in turmoil.
Any of us who have been apart of the past 3 years of Katrina relief will be in Prayer and support of what ever the next week has for communitees of the south. We watch and listen feeling helpless and still we know that our faith and the faith of the southern US church will see God and His kingdom grow...
You are all in our prayers and in the HAND of our Lord...
Churches across our country and the 13,000 plus volunteers make a power that no strom can stop.. that is an awesome thought and victory...
Ralph Erickson, Crisis Response staff 06-07
We will pray and promise to help however we are able: finances, supplies, perhaps even in person.
As we have come to know you all as friends and family, we feel the pain and desperation. The New Orleans area and people are now a permanent part of our lives and within our heart.
God keep you and guide you and continue to use you to deliver that hope that is in Christ.
Our prayer is that the Body of Christ will again respond in such a way that the world sees Him and comes to know Him!
Love in Christ,
Jerry and Tamara Carroll
The Sparrows' Nest Ministries
Woodstream Church
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